La Relève

La Relève Entrepreneuriale is an informative series that explores social acquisition, a business model that transforms private enterprise into social enterprise. Created by CDR-Acadie and hosted by Gabrielle Gagnon, each episode features a special guest who helps unpack an aspect of business succession such as the transfer process, both sides of the transition, finance, case studies, and testimonials.

This project was made possible through the Community Media Strategic Support Fund offered jointly by the Consortium of Official Language Minority Community Media and the Government of Canada.

Listen to the La Releve episodes here.

LR Ep1

Episode 1 - Social Acquisition101

La Relève invites Marc Henrie to give you a basic knowledge of social acquisition.

LR Ep2

Episode 2 – Ferme Terre Partagée

La Relève invites Rebeka Frasier-Chiasson, co-founder of Ferme Terre Partagée, to discuss the farm’s business transfer from 2014 through 2018. Moving from sole proprietor to worker cooperative, learn about transfer aspects such as governance, business re-structuring, and worker cooperatives.

LR Ep3

Episode 3 – Takeover Pros and Cons

Big decisions require big thinking. This episode of La Relève invites Claude-André Guillotte to explore the advantages and difficulties that can arise when one decides to take over collectively.

LR Ep4

Episode 4 - Les Maisons de bouteilles

La Relève invites Réjeanne Arsenault, former owner of Les Maisons de bouteilles, to discuss the transfer of a business from the selling owner’s perspective. A story of family, recycling, and community, learn how a business can be more than a job, and what led Réjeanne to sell in 2016.

LR Ep5

Episode 5 - The Accounting Side

Business succession involves a financial transaction. To demystify this process, La Relève invites Marc Hébert, CPA, to discuss the steps, the human resources, and the tips that come into play regarding accounting during this transfer.

LR Ep6

Episode 6 - Human Resources - Case Study

The transition from a private company to a collective one is not only experienced by the owners and the buyers. Human resources, namely the company’s employees, are also going through a significant period of change, and they often ensure that the transition goes smoothly.

La Relève Entrepreneuriale invites Paul Lanteigne and Gérald Robichaud, CDR-Acadie development officers, to testify on what the Baie Ste-Anne food coop employees have experienced from 2019 until now.

LR Ep7

Episode 7 - Recap and Opportunities (English feature)

In partnership with the Co-operative Enterprise Council of New Brunswick, La Relève is offering an English episode. The episode summarizes the first six (6) episodes to date, as well as a conversation with Laurie Cook about what social acquisition can offer to rural Atlantic communities.